Merge Iterator

Chapter Overview

In this chapter, you will:

  • Implement memtable iterator.
  • Implement merge iterator.
  • Implement LSM read path scan for memtables.

To copy the test cases into the starter code and run them,

cargo x copy-test --week 1 --day 2
cargo x scheck

Task 1: Memtable Iterator

In this chapter, we will implement the LSM scan interface. scan returns a range of key-value pairs in order using an iterator API. In the previous chapter, you have implemented the get API and the logic to create immutable memtables, and your LSM state should now have multiple memtables. You will need to first create iterators on a single memtable, then create a merge iterator on all memtables, and finally implement the range limit for the iterators.

In this task, you will need to modify:


All LSM iterators implement the StorageIterator trait. It has 4 functions: key, value, next, and is_valid. When the iterator is created, its cursor will stop on some element, and key / value will return the first key in the memtable/block/SST satisfying the start condition (i.e., start key). These two interfaces will return a &[u8] to avoid copy. Note that this iterator interface is different from the Rust-style iterator.

next moves the cursor to the next place. is_valid returns if the iterator has reached the end or errored. You can assume next will only be called when is_valid returns true. There will be a FusedIterator wrapper for iterators that block calls to next when the iterator is not valid to avoid users from misusing the iterators.

Back to the memtable iterator. You should have found out that the iterator does not have any lifetime associated with that. Imagine that you create a Vec<u64> and call vec.iter(), the iterator type will be something like VecIterator<'a>, where 'a is the lifetime of the vec object. The same applies to SkipMap, where its iter API returns an iterator with a lifetime. However, in our case, we do not want to have such lifetimes on our iterators to avoid making the system overcomplicated (and hard to compile...).

If the iterator does not have a lifetime generics parameter, we should ensure that whenever the iterator is being used, the underlying skiplist object is not freed. The only way to achieve that is to put the Arc<SkipMap> object into the iterator itself. To define such a structure,

fn main() {
pub struct MemtableIterator {
    map: Arc<SkipMap<Bytes, Bytes>>,
    iter: SkipMapRangeIter<'???>,

Okay, here is the problem: we want to express that the lifetime of the iterator is the same as the map in the structure. How can we do that?

This is the first and most tricky Rust language thing that you will ever meet in this tutorial -- self-referential structure. If it is possible to write something like:

fn main() {
pub struct MemtableIterator { // <- with lifetime 'this
    map: Arc<SkipMap<Bytes, Bytes>>,
    iter: SkipMapRangeIter<'this>,

Then the problem is solved! You can do this with the help of some third-party libraries like ouroboros. It provides an easy way to define self-referential structure. It is also possible to do this with unsafe Rust (and indeed, ouroboros itself uses unsafe Rust internally...)

We have already defined the self-referential MemtableIterator fields for you, and you will need to implement MemtableIterator and the Memtable::scan API.

Task 2: Merge Iterator

In this task, you will need to modify:


Now that you have multiple memtables and you will create multiple memtable iterators. You will need to merge the results from the memtables and return the latest version of each key to the user.

MergeIterator maintains a binary heap internally. Note that you will need to handle errors (i.e., when an iterator is not valid) and ensure that the latest version of a key-value pair comes out.

For example, if we have the following data:

iter1: b->del, c->4, d->5
iter2: a->1, b->2, c->3
iter3: e->4

The sequence that the merge iterator outputs should be:

a->1, b->del, c->4, d->5, e->4

The constructor of the merge iterator takes a vector of iterators. We assume the one with a lower index (i.e., the first one) has the latest data.

When using the Rust binary heap, you may find the peek_mut function useful.

fn main() {
let Some(mut inner) = heap.peek_mut() {
    *inner += 1; // <- do some modifications to the inner item
// When the PeekMut reference gets dropped, the binary heap gets reordered automatically.

let Some(mut inner) = heap.peek_mut() {
    PeekMut::pop(inner) // <- pop it out from the heap

One common pitfall is on error handling. For example,

fn main() {
let Some(mut inner_iter) = self.iters.peek_mut() {; // <- will cause problem

If next returns an error (i.e., due to disk failure, network failure, checksum error, etc.), it is no longer valid. However, when we go out of the if condition and return the error to the caller, PeekMut's drop will try move the element within the heap, which causes an access to an invalid iterator. Therefore, you will need to do all error handling by yourself instead of using ? within the scope of PeekMut.

We want to avoid dynamic dispatch as much as possible, and therefore we do not use Box<dyn StorageIterator> in the system. Instead, we prefer static dispatch using generics. Also note that StorageIterator uses generic associated type (GAT), so that it can support both KeySlice and &[u8] as the key type. We will change KeySlice to include the timestamp in week 3 and using a separate type for it now can make the transition more smooth.

Starting this section, we will use Key<T> to represent LSM key types and distinguish them from values in the type system. You should use provided APIs of Key<T> instead of directly accessing the inner value. We will add timestamp to this key type in part 3, and using the key abstraction will make the transition more smooth. For now, KeySlice is equivalent to &[u8], KeyVec is equivalent to Vec<u8>, and KeyBytes is equivalent to Bytes.

Task 3: LSM Iterator + Fused Iterator

In this task, you will need to modify:


We use the LsmIterator structure to represent the internal LSM iterators. You will need to modify this structure multiple times throughout the tutorial when more iterators are added into the system. For now, because we only have multiple memtables, it should be defined as:

fn main() {
type LsmIteratorInner = MergeIterator<MemTableIterator>;

You may go ahead and implement the LsmIterator structure, which calls the corresponding inner iterator, and also skip deleted keys.

We do not test LsmIterator in this task. There will be an integration test in task 4.

Then, we want to provide extra safety on the iterator to avoid users from misusing them. Users should not call key, value, or next when the iterator is not valid. At the same time, they should not use the iterator anymore if next returns an error. FusedIterator is a wrapper around an iterator to normalize the behaviors across all iterators. You can go ahead and implement it by yourself.

Task 4: Read Path - Scan

In this task, you will need to modify:


We are finally there -- with all iterators you have implemented, you can finally implement the scan interface of the LSM engine. You can simply construct an LSM iterator with the memtable iterators (remember to put the latest memtable at the front of the merge iterator), and your storage engine will be able to handle the scan request.

Test Your Understanding

  • What is the time/space complexity of using your merge iterator?
  • Why do we need a self-referential structure for memtable iterator?
  • If a key is removed (there is a delete tombstone), do you need to return it to the user? Where did you handle this logic?
  • If a key has multiple versions, will the user see all of them? Where did you handle this logic?
  • If we want to get rid of self-referential structure and have a lifetime on the memtable iterator (i.e., MemtableIterator<'a>, where 'a = memtable or LsmStorageInner lifetime), is it still possible to implement the scan functionality?
  • What happens if (1) we create an iterator on the skiplist memtable (2) someone inserts new keys into the memtable (3) will the iterator see the new key?
  • What happens if your key comparator cannot give the binary heap implementation a stable order?
  • Why do we need to ensure the merge iterator returns data in the iterator construction order?
  • Is it possible to implement a Rust-style iterator (i.e., next(&self) -> (Key, Value)) for LSM iterators? What are the pros/cons?
  • The scan interface is like fn scan(&self, lower: Bound<&[u8]>, upper: Bound<&[u8]>). How to make this API compatible with Rust-style range (i.e., key_a..key_b)? If you implement this, try to pass a full range .. to the interface and see what will happen.
  • The starter code provides the merge iterator interface to store Box<I> instead of I. What might be the reason behind that?

We do not provide reference answers to the questions, and feel free to discuss about them in the Discord community.

Bonus Tasks

  • Foreground Iterator. In this tutorial we assumed that all operations are short, so that we can hold reference to mem-table in the iterator. If an iterator is held by users for a long time, the whole mem-table (which might be 256MB) will stay in the memory even if it has been flushed to disk. To solve this, we can provide a ForegroundIterator / LongIterator to our user. The iterator will periodically create new underlying storage iterator so as to allow garbage collection of the resources.

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