Generate Zoom URL

"852-901-5944" is Alex Chi's room. You may test the URL with this meeting id. This field accept all formats including "852-901-5944", "852 901 5944" or "8529015944". We'll strip all non-digit characters for you.
This is your name after joining the conference room. For English class, you may use your English name + Student ID. In this way you don't have to rename every time you enter the conf room.
You may save this URL to your Notes app, calendar app or a Word document. Click it and you'll join the meeting. Redirect URL will automatically jump you to Zoom Mobile URL or Zoom PC URL. By using redirect URL, you will need to select your device type upon first visit. You may reset this config at any time by clicking "Clear LocalStorage"
If you're using this web page as URL redirector in sjtu-class-table-generator, and you select wrong device when being prompted, you may click this button to clear information.

Known Issues

Firefox might not pass encoded URL correctly to ZOOM. Please use other browsers to open these URL.